= Finished Engine Gallery 1 =
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These are pictures of finished, running engines made with the RMC Engine Kit.


RMC Engine #1
With the castings coming from a small local foundry, #1 isn`t the cleanest looking engine but it still runs good.
RMC Engine #2
It`s something what good casting work will do.
The picture shows the backside of Flame Engine #2.
RMC Engine #3
This picture shows the front side of Flame Engine #3.
On the Right:
Looking down on an RMC #3`s nameplate.
RMC Engine #31
Engine #31 was made into a "self-acting valve" Air Engine. It`s shown in running condition, minus the air dome.
RMC Engine #33
"Self Acting Valve" Air Engine
RMC Engine #34
Yep, another Air Engine.